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Mission Statement

Dapto Phoenix Football Club is a community orientated club which seeks to provide a pathway for players aged from Under 6’s through to senior football. Our focus is on providing a friendly environment that fosters enjoyment, creating friendships and inspiring a team spirit for all ages and levels of ability through football. 


Our Values

Dapto Phoenix Football Club shall promote a respectful and responsible culture amongst all members. We are an inclusive club that provides a safe and supportive environment to people of all abilities, gender, religion, race and ethnicity. 


Our Vision

Dapto Phoenix Football Club is very proud of our success as a club and we strive to see our teams succeed, however winning is not our first priority. Our club’s philosophy is to create an environment where all players enjoy a love of football, have fun and develop their potential as players. 


Meet Frankie the Phoenix

Frankie joined the team at Dapto Phoenix Football Club in 2019. He is a wonderful addition to our team and brings loads of joy to our players.


Frankie loves apples, sausage sizzles and watermelon juice bombs.


His favorite place at the soccer fields is the sideline with families cheering on our football family.


Frankie is always up for high-fives and a photo.

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